Perbandingan Semantic Classification dan Cluster-based Smoothed pada Recommender system berbasis Collaborative filtering <br> Comparison Semantic Classification and Cluster-based Smoothed on Collaborative filtering Recommender system

Ariyani Sanjung

Informasi Dasar

137 kali
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: Recommender system merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang merekomendasikan beberapa item yang sesuai dengan karakteristik user. Collaborative filtering merupakan salah satu teknik yang cukup populer karena dapat memberikan akurasi yang baik, namun sparsity dan scalability merupakan masalah yang umum dihadapi. Sparstiy merupakan keadaan dimana jumlah rating yang tersedia benar-benar sparse atau jarang, sedangkan scalability merupakan keadaan dimana dimensi data semakin besar. Semantic Classification dan Clusterbased Smoothed merupakan algoritma yang menangani 2 masalah yang umumnya dihadapi collaborative filtering. Semantic Classification melakukan pemecahan item untuk menangani scalability berdasarkan kategori tertentu dan reduksi user untuk menangani sparsity. Cluster-based Smoothed melakukan pembentukan cluster-cluster berdasarkan kemiripan user untuk menangani scalability dan melakukan proses smoothing rating untuk menangani sparsity.

Tugas akhir ini meneliti perbandingan akurasi antara Semantic Classification dan Cluster-based Smoothed dengan jumlah nearest neighbours, tingkat sparsity, dan jumlah rating user active sebagai parameternya. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan akurasi meningkat untuk kedua alogirtma seiring berkurangnya tingkat sparsity. Meningkatnya jumlah nearest neighbours dan jumlah rating user active tidak selalu memberikan akurasi lebih baik, namun hal ini juga dipengaruhi oleh rating user lainnya. Selain itu didapatkan pula bahwa akurasi Cluster-based Smoohted tidak selalu lebih baik dari Semantic Classfication.Kata Kunci : recommender system, collaborative filtering, semantic classification,cluster based smoothed,sparsity,scalabiltyABSTRACT: Recommender system is an aplication which recommends items that appropriate with users like. Collaborative filtering is one of popular recommender system method because it gives high accuracy to provide recommendation list. However, sparsity and scalability are problems for collaborative filtering method. Sparsity is condition that describe the density of rating, and scalability is the condition of high matrix dimentional data. Both Semantic Classification and Cluster-based Smoothed are methods than can overcome two problems of collaborative filtering. Semantic Classification divides the matrix user-item by item content to solve the scalability and remove the irrelevant user to solve the sparsity. And Cluster based Smoothed solves the scalability by classifying the user based on similarity user, for every user that has high similarity is in one cluster, and it fills unrated items by ”smoothing rating” process to tackle the sparsity.

This thesis compare the accuracy between Semantic Classification and Cluster-based Smoothed. The result shows that accuracy increases for both when sparsity degree decrease. The increasing number of nearest neighbours and ratings numbers not always increase the accuracy, it also shows that Clusterbased Smoohted not always give the lower accuracy than Semantic Classification.Keyword: recommender system, collaborative filtering, semantic classification,cluster based smoothed,sparsity,sclability


Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak


Perbandingan Semantic Classification dan Cluster-based Smoothed pada Recommender system berbasis Collaborative filtering
Comparison Semantic Classification and Cluster-based Smoothed on Collaborative filtering Recommender system


Rp. 0
Rp. 0


Ariyani Sanjung
Warih Maharani, Yanuar Firdaus A.W.


Universitas Telkom




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