Analisis Performansi TCP-Friendly Multicast Congestion Control<br>Performance Analysis of TCP-Friendly Multicast Congestion Control

I G N Aditya Lesmana

Informasi Dasar

174 kali
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: Perkembangan protokol saat ini sangat membantu dalam komunikasi jaringan khususnya jaringan komputer. Salah satunya adalah protokol TCP-Friendly. Protokol ini perkembangan dari protokol TCP. Protokol ini dalam pengiriman paket datanya menggunakan konsep grouping. Konsep grouping ini dapat mengirimkan data ke banyak penerima secara multicast. Dengan kemajuan perkembangan protokol TCP-Friendly ini, sangat bermanfaat bagi efisiensi waktu pengiriman paket data dalam jaringan.

Dalam pelaksanaannya, salah satu masalah yang terjadi dalam pengiriman paket data dengan protokol TCP-Friendly secara multicast adalah congestion. Congestion adalah keadaan dimana terjadinya penggunaan resource jaringan secara berlebihan yang menyebabkan penuhnya antrian di router pada jaringan. Tentunya hal ini sangat berdampak signifikan terhadap pengiriman paket data dalam jaringan. Untuk menanganinya diperlukan mekanisasi pengontrolan kongesti pada transmisi multicast untuk menciptakan lingkungan jaringan yang baik ,yaitu TCP-Friendly Multicast Congestion Control (TFMCC).

Pada Tugas Akhir ini, dilakukan penerapan pengujian performansi congestion control. Hal ini meliputi : end to end delay, end throughput, dan packet loss rate. Parameter performansi tersebut akan diuji dengan TFMCC dan TCP. Analisis performansi dilakukan pada simulasi jaringan TCP-Friendly Multicast dengan single sender dan single bottleneck router dengan menggunakan simulator yaitu, Network Simulator versi 2.34. pada saat simulasi dilakukan mekanisme TFMCC dan TCP sebagai pembanding uji performansi (end to end delay, end throughput, dan packet loss rate). Dari hasil simulasi, TFMCC lebih baik daripada TCP karena memiliki end to end delay yang lebih besar, end throughput yang lebih kecil, dan packet loss rate yang lebih besar.Kata Kunci : TFMCC, end to end delay, end throughout, packet loss rate, congestion control, TCP.ABSTRACT: The development of protocol lately has been a great help to network communication in general and especially computer network. One of the results of protocol development is known as TCP-Friendly protocol. This type of protocol is a product of TCP protocol enhancement. This protocol makes us of grouping concept when sending the data package. This grouping concept is a concept of sending data to multiple recipients/clients in a multicast way. This concept is found to be an extremely efficient manner of sending data package through the network.

In its practice, a problem occurring within the multicast data sending with TCP-Friendly protocol is identified as congestion. Congestion is defined as a state where certain network resource is used excessively that causes a long traffic queue within the router in the network. This will give a significant impact to the data package sending in the network being concerned. In order to overcome this problem, congestion control is badly needed. Because of that, congestion control mekanism on multicast transmision is needed to create a good network , this mekanism called TCP-Friendly Multicast Congestion Control (TFMCC) .

In this present study, a test of congestion control performance is conducted. This control comprises: End to end delay, End throughput, and packet loss rate. The parameter of the performance will be assessed using TFMCC and TCP. The performance analysis is then accomplished in a network simulation of TCP-Friendly Multicast with single sender and single bottleneck router using a simulator called Network Simulator version 2.34. TFMCC and TCP during simulation are operated to compare their performances (end to end delay, end throughput, and packet loss rate). From simulation, gained TFMCC is better than TCP, because TFMCC has higher end to end delay, lower end throughput, and higher packet loss rate.Keyword: TFMCC, end to end delay, end throughput, packet loss rate, congestion control.


Sistem Komputer dan Jaringan Komputer


Analisis Performansi TCP-Friendly Multicast Congestion Control
Performance Analysis of TCP-Friendly Multicast Congestion Control


Rp. 0
Rp. 0


I G N Aditya Lesmana
Bayu Erfianto, Vera Suryani


Universitas Telkom




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