ABSTRAKSI: Dalam kurun waktu sepuluh tahun terakhir teknologi jaringan ad hoc berkembang dengan cukup pesat. Kebanyakan penelitian dilakukan dalam jaringan yang belum terlalu luas dan masih terlalu fokus pada permasalahan performansi dan daya tahan baterai. Baru-baru ini dikarenakan jaringan ad hoc diproyeksikan menjadi teknologi yang cukup penting untuk tahun-tahun mendatang maka terdapat banyak penelitian yang bertujuan untuk membuat performansi jaringan ad hoc khususnya Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) menjadi lebih baik lagi. Terdapat beberapa cakupan masalah dalam penelitian VANET ini salah satunya adalah efisiensi metode routing protocol pada VANET.KATA KUNCI: Ad Hoc Network, VANET, urban, highway, RSU, MDART, TORA, AODV , throughput, packet delivery ratio, routing overhead, normalized routing load, delay, NS-2ABSTRACT: In the last ten years an ad hoc network technology developed rapidly. but most of researchers just focus in performance problems and battery durability. Recently, ad hoc network become more important for people for the next couple of years so many researchers research about performance ad hoc network especially in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) workspace. The purpose of research to make a better connection between vehicle to vehicle so people can get easily get smany information in the street. So many problem space in this VANET research and one of them is about routing protocol’s efficiency .KEYWORD: Ad Hoc Network, VANET, , urban, highway, RSU, MDART, TORA, AODV , throughput, packet delivery ratio, routing overhead, normalized routing load, delay, NS-2.