ABSTRAKSI: Setelah memisahkan diri sebagai Holding Company perusahaan pupuk di Indonesia yang saat ini diambil alih oleh PT. Pusri Holding, PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang memiliki masalah pada aplikasi Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) perusahaan, Industrial and Financial System (IFS), terkait layanan integritas data perusahaan, terutama pada sisi finansial. Selain itu, berkembangnya tujuan bisnis perusahaan dilakukan melalui pertambahan bisnis proses yang ada dan menjadikan Teknologi Informasi (TI) sebagai Center of Excellence.
Melalui penerapan COBIT 4.1, perusahaan diharapkan mampu memaksimalkan kontribusi TI sebagai Center of Excellence (pusat keunggulan) ditengah kondisi pabrik pupuk yang sudah tua. Teknologi Informasi diharapkan memberikan kontribusi untuk menyelaraskan strategi TI dengan strategi bisnis perusahaan untuk menjamin tercapainya setiap Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP) and Rencana Kerja Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) tahunan perusahan.
Pada penelitian ini, Tahap awal audit dilakukan dengan melakukan analisa terhadap Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP), Rencana Jangka Panjang- TI (RJP-TI), serta visi dan misi perusahaan untuk dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan bisnis perusahaan dan mentranslasikannya ke dalam Business Goals COBIT 4.1,selanjutnya dipetakan terhadap IT Goals COBIT 4.1, Hingga akhirnya diperoleh IT Process perusahaan sesuai COBIT 4.1, kemudian dari IT Process didapatkan Detailed Control Objective yang menjadi acuan untuk membuat kuesioner Management Awareness, dan Maturity Level berdasarkan framework COBIT 4.1 untuk menghasilkan OFI (Opportuinities For Improvement).
Dari hasil audit tata kelola teknologi informasi PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang ditemukan bahwa ada 34 proses TI yang terlibat sehingga menghasilkan 210 Detailed Control Objective, dan tingkat kematangan perusahaan saat ini berada pada level 3 (Defined Process) dengan kondisi TI yang diharapkan berada pada level 4 (managed and measurable).
Berdasarkan hasil audit, Solusi untuk mengeliminasi semua resiko dan masalah terkait layanan integritas data pada aplikasi Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) IFS adalah dengan melakukan peningkatan atau penggantian aplikasi ERP ini dengan aplikasi ERP yang baru agar dapat menjamin integritas data, dan melakukan integrasi integral dengan PT. Pusri Holding sebagai Holding Company serta melakukan integrasi menyeluruh terhadap semua proses bisnis internal perusahaan. Perusahaan juga perlu melakukan peningkatan pada sistem informasi anggaran, pemasaran, perkapalan, pemeliharaan, Key Performance Indocators (KPI), keuangan, sumber daya, logistik, dan keamanan. Perusahaan juga dapat meningkatkan keterlibatan manajemen dalam Tata Kelola TI dengan membuat atau meningkatkan Critical Success Factors (CSF), dan menentukan Key Goal Indicators (KGI) dan Key Performane Indicators (KPI) untuk menjamin pengawasan terhadap setiap proses TI. Penerapan Tata Kelola TI menggunakan COBIT 4.1 perlu dilakukan pengawasan dan evaluasi secara periodic dan berkelanjutan untuk mendukung tercapainya setiap tujuan bisnis perusahaan pada RJPP melalui peningkatan kontribusi TI, serta memberikan pendidikan dan pelatihan bagi karyawan dalam mendukung Tata Kelola TI.
Kata Kunci : Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Tata kelola TI, COBIT 4.1, PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang, Management Awareness, Maturity LevelABSTRACT: After the spin-off as a Holding Company of Indonesian fertilizer company which is currently held by PT. Pusri Holding, PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang had problems in the application of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), namely Industrial and Financial System (IFS), related with data integrity service companies primarily on the financial side. Moreover, the improvement of the company's business goals should be done through business processes expansion and by making Information Technology (IT) as a Center of Excellence. PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang needs to upgrade or replace IFS and also need Information Technology Governance (ITG) so that the process of improvement and replacement of ERP is running effectively and efficiently. It is also needed as a fulfillment of directives from the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, that the implementation of ITG for all of the Indonesian fertilizer company under the ministry must be using COBIT 4.1 which has not been implemented by PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang.
By implementating COBIT 4.1, the company is expected to be able to optimize the contribution of IT as a center of excellence in the middle of the condition of the obsolete fertilizer plant. It is hoped that IT can be contributed to align the IT strategy with the corporate strategy so as to guarantee the achievement of short-term and long-term company goals that has been established.
In this research, early analysis phase is done by studying the company’s business objectives through the Company’s Long-Term Plan (RJPP) document, Long Term Plan of IT (RJP-TI) document, and also vision and mission of the company. The company’s business goal is translated into the COBIT 4.1 business goals (Balance Score Card Perspective) and then the results will be translated into IT goals COBIT 4.1. IT Processes of company can be identified based on COBIT 4.1 after the translation of the IT Goals with IT process COBIT 4.1. By knowing all of the IT Processes of company, the Detailed Control Objective (DCO) as the internal control of company IT process that can be found and translated into the questionnaire of management awareness and maturity level, and to establish the OFI (Opportunities For Improvement).
The results of the audit of ITG of PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang shows that there are 34 IT processes involved to produce 210 Detailed Control Objective, and the company's current maturity level is at level 3 (Defined Process) with TI conditions expected at the level 4 (managed and measurable).
According to the audit result, The solution to eliminate all of the risk and problems according to the data integrity service for the application of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) IFS is the improvement or the replacement this application with the new ERP to ensure the integrity of data and to get the integral integration with PT.Pusri Holding as holding company and the comprehensive integration of all the internal business processes. The information systems also need to be upgraded, especially for budgeting, marketing, shipping, maintenance, Key Performance Indicators (KPI), finance, human resource, logistics, and security. The company can increase the involvement of the management by creating or improving the Critical Success Factors (CSF) and determine the Key Goals Indicators (KGI) and Key Performance Indicators (KPI). The implementation of IT Governance using COBIT 4.1 also must be monitor and evaluate periodically and continuously for support the achievement of every company’s business goal on RJPP by maximizing the IT contribution, and also giving the employees a planned training and education for supporting its IT Governance.
Keyword: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), IT Governance, COBIT 4.1, PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang, Management Awareness, Maturity Level