perancangan dan implementasi website e-commerce menggunakan javascript library (jquery) pada Demuse Clothing Company

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62 kali
Karya Ilmiah - TA (D3) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: Website merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam berbagai bidang di era seperti ini. Untuk membuat website yang menarik bagi pengunjungnya, diperlukan suatu sistem dan juga pengaturan yang baik. Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk memudahkan pengunjung dalam memahami dan menjalankan segala hal yang ada di website tersebut. Salah satu contohnya adalah website e - commerce pada suatu perusahaan, agar promotion dan marketing di perusahaan tersebut berjalan dengan lancar, maka perlu adanya faktor penunjang. Salah satunya adalah website yang berkualitas.
Dalam proyek akhir ini telah dirancang sebuah website yang memiliki kualitas menarik dengan menggunakan JavaScript Library atau lebih dikenal dengan sebutan jQuery. jQuery merupakan library javascript terhandal saat ini. Faktanya, banyak perusahaan besar tingkat dunia menggunakan jQuery dalam teknologi website mereka. jQuery berhasil menyederhanakan fungsi – fungsi javascript dan ajax yang rumit, sehingga dengan beberapa baris kode, kita bisa membuat website dengan tingkat interaktivitas yang tinggi ( responsif ). Selain itu, untuk menunjang sebuah website yang berkualitas diperlukan bermacam – macam fitur yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh pengunjungnya. Dalam perancangan website ini, digunakan beberapa fitur salah satunya adalah fasilitas message interaktif antara pengunjung dengan administrator. Selain itu adapula fitur sistem keamanan password admin dengan menggunakan MD5. Dengan segala macam fitur yang ada dan juga tampilan yang menarik dari website, diharapkan bidang promotion dan marketing dalam perusahaan tersebut dapat berjalan dengan baik dan menghasilkan keuntungan bagi perusahaan.
Pengujian web yang dilakukan menggunakan bantuan software Webserver Stress Tool. Adapun parameter yang diuji yaitu waktu respon web, kecepatan web, dan processor load server pada jaringan LAN dengan waktu uji yang berbeda-beda dan jumlah user yang berbeda-beda pula.Kata Kunci : Website, e-commerce, software, MD5, jQuery, processor load serverABSTRACT: Website is one important component in many fields in this area. To create a website that appeals to visitors, it is required system and also a good management. They are aimed to facilitate the visitors to understand and carry out everything that is on the website. One example is the e-commerce in an enterprise, in order the promotion and marketing at the company run smoothly, it needs a supporting factor, to have which is qualified website.
In this final project, a website that has the interesting quality will be designed by using JavaScript Library, or better known as jQuery. jQuery is the best currently javascript library. In fact, many large companies worldwide use jQuery in the technology of their website. jQuery manages to simplify the function of complex javascript and ajax so that with a few lines of code, we can create a website with a high level of interactivity (responsiveness). In addition, it will also support a quality website that requires a wide range of features that can be used by visitors. In designing this website, some features are used one of them is an interactive message facility between the visitors with the administrator. In addition, it also features a security system of password administrator by using MD5. With all sorts of features available and also an interesting view of the website, the promotion and marketing in the company can run well and produce profits for the company.
In this final project, a website that has the interesting quality will be designed by using JavaScript Library, or better known as jQuery. jQuery is the best currently javascript library. In fact, many large companies worldwide use jQuery in the technology of their website. jQuery manages to simplify the function of complex javascript and ajax so that with a few lines of code, we can create a website with a high level of interactivity (responsiveness). In addition, it will also support a quality website that requires a wide range of features that can be used by visitors. In designing this website, some features are used one of them is an interactive message facility between the visitors with the administrator. In addition, it also features a security system of password administrator by using MD5. With all sorts of features available and also an interesting view of the website, the promotion and marketing in the company can run well and produce profits for the company.Keyword: Website, e-commerce, software, MD5, jQuery, processor load server


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perancangan dan implementasi website e-commerce menggunakan javascript library (jquery) pada Demuse Clothing Company


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firman adi setiawan
Rendy Munadi , Muhammad Iqbal


Universitas Telkom




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