eProceedings of Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries - SCBTII 2016

12 May 2017 Oleh yudhinugrohoadi

The 7th SCBTII was held on 15 – 16 August 2016 and located on tourism district at the centre of Bandung City, Indonesia. The theme that was brought forward was “Success through Synergy: Academics, Businesses, Communities, and Government”. Several research topics covered including Smart Commerce, Smart Finance & Accounting, and Smart Education. The Keynote Speech was delivered by leading academicians and practitioners such as Professor Teck Y. Eng (Southampton University) and Mr. Rudiantara (The Minister of Communication & Information of Indonesia)

The 7th SCBTII was attended by 135 participants with 46 full papers that were being submited by researchers that came from 27 national and international institutions. The 7th SCBTII also provide an angklung workshop that enthusiastically attended especially by International participants. This cultural event was managed by Saung Angklung Udjo at Bandung.

Due to our affiliation to and strong network with prominent ICT players in Indonesia, The 7th SCBTII was also sponsored by Telkom Indonesia, Telkomsel Indonesia, Telkom Sigma, and Finnet.

  1. The Determinants of Financial Literacy And Financial Inclusion Towards Disparity In Indonesia: SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries, August 15th-16th 2016
    Devina Febriani Agung, Subiakto Soekarno
  2. Measurement of Internal Model of Value At Risk In Indonesian Bank Industry Under Basel III: SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries, August 15th-16th 2016
    Nora AmeldaRizal, Noval Saputra, Ashri Putri Rahadi
  3. Factors Affecting Customer Revisit Intention in Dapoer Pandan Wangi Sunda Resto: SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries, August 15th-16th 2016
    Jesica Christianty, Harimukti Wandebori
  4. The Effects of E-Service Quality on Customer Online Repurchase Intention Towards E-commerce Marketplace C2C in Indonesia: SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries, August 15th-16th 2016
    Aisyah Rahmayanti, Harimukti Wandebori
  5. Content Analysis of Food Instagram Account: SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries, August 15th-16th 2016
    Budi Permadi Iskandar, Jessica Arden
  6. Consumer Attitude towards Gray Market in Indonesia: SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries, August 15th-16th 2016
    Monica Widjaja, Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara
  7. Student Energy Awareness: Web-based and Paper-based Survey Results: SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries, August 15th-16th 2016
    Budi Permadi Iskandar, Elizabeth Karmelia, Werfan Sinaga
  8. Analysis of Fraudulent Financial Statement in Fraud Triangle Perspective (Study at Listed Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in Period 2010-2014): SCBTII Proceeding Book, August 15th-16th 2016
    Annisa Sariutami, Annisa Nurbaiti
  9. Synergy Calculation of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara’s Acquisition Plan toward PT Pertamina Gas: SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries, August 15th-16th 2016
    Novi Kusumaningrum, Subiakto Soekarno
  10. Capital Structure Strategy to Enhance Value of PT. Astra International: SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries, August 15th-16th 2016
    Kenny Loekita Harsono, Subiakto Soekarno
  11. Customer Intention to Return Online: Price, Perception, Performance, and Satisfaction: SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries, August 15th-16th 2016
    Pantri Heriyati, Aarti Budharani
  12. Formulating Business Strategy and Innovative Business Model of Mobile Broadband Services Through Tows Matrix And Cross-Industry Innovation: SCBTII Proceeding Book, August 15th-16th 2016
  13. The Influence Of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Financing (NPF), And Profit Sharing Ratio To Profit Sharing Financing Sharia Bank (Case Study: Sharia Bank in Indonesia 2010-2014): SCBTII Proceeding Book, August 15th-16th 2016
    Fithri Nisrina Raniah, Khairunnisa, Dedik Nur Triyanto
  14. Analysis of The Factors that Affecting Islamic Bank Profitability (Empirical Study on Islamic Bank in Indonesia Period 2012-2014): SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries
    Raden Andry Ardiansyah, Khairunnisa, Annisa Nurbaiti
  15. The Impact of Website Quality on Information Quality, Value and Loyalty Intentions on E-commerce Website: SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries, August 15th-16th 2016
    Pupon Artiono, Maya Ariyanti
  16. A Tentative Framework On The Relationships Between Gratification and Continuance Intention to Use YouTube for Movie Watching Experience: SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries
    Bebbra Charles Mailin, Jusang Bolong , Rosmiza Bidin, Mohd Syuhaidi Abu Bakar
  17. Analysis Of Customer Acceptance Of Online Travel Agent Technology Using UTAUT2 Model  (A Case Study On E-Commerce Traveloka In Indonesia): SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries
    Melisa, Indrawati
  18. The Effect Of Channel Attributes And Information Importance On Telemarketing Program Effectivity (A Study On Indihome In Bandung, Indonesia) : SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries
     Ade Febrian, Indrawati
  19. Measurement of Information Security Awareness Among Social Media Twitter Users in Indonesia: SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries, August 15th-16th 2016
    Venny Kartikasari, Candiwan, Yudi Priyadi
  20. The Influence of E-Mail Marketing on Purchasing Decision (Case Study on Traveloka.com): SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries, August 15th-16th 2016
    Devi Purwaningati, Herry Irawan, Khrisna Kusumahadi
  21. Retail Therapy: The Impact of Therapeutic Motivation, Therapeutic Value, and Retail Environment, on Customer’s Purchase Intention: SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries
    Evelyn Melindra, Atik Aprianingsih
  22. Tin commodity exchange: granger causality test: SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries, August 15th-16th 2016
    Adis Imam Munandar, Hermanto Siregar, Trias Andati, Lukytawati Anggreni
  23. Electronic Word-of-Mouth (EWOM) Adoption Model for Information Security Awareness: A Case Study in University Students: SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries, August 15th-16th 2016
    Adhi Prasetio, Puspita Kencana Sari, Dian Putri Ramadhani
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