Indonesia, as a developing country shows an increase in internet user every year. Especially in e-commerce activities, Indonesia has the highest rate of e-commerce use of any country in the world, with 90 percent of the country’s internet users between the ages of 16 and 64 reporting that they already buy products and services online. There are a lot of buying and selling sites, and the competition becomes increasingly fierce. One of the e-commerce site in Indonesia is Tokopedia. Tokopedia becomes one of the tenth largest e-commerce in Indonesia. Tokopedia became the most visited e-commerce site with 168 million visitors per month. Online shopping tends to be riskier than direct shopping. First, the buyer cannot see the goods to be purchased directly, so there is no certainty whether the goods are really in line with expectations or not. Besides, other external factors such as safe delivery also have an impact on the experience of consumers in the transaction. Given these possible risks, trust is a crucial factor for the buyer. With the risks in shopping online this can reduce the interest in repurchasing customers in shopping online. Since this factor risks it is important to analyse the influence of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, trust, perceived enjoyment, and satisfaction towards repurchase intention.
The data was gathered through an online survey and earned 400 valid respondents who in the age of <20 years old and already use Tokopedia. All the data gathered has been fulfilled the validity and reliability criteria. To test the hypothesis, this research uses multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS version 23 as the statistical software. The results showed that, there is significant influence between Perceived usefulness, trust, Perceived enjoyment and satisfaction to consumer repurchase intention variable simultaneously.
Keywords: E-Commerce, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, Trust, Perceived Enjoyment, Satisfaction, Repurchase Intention