Covid-19 first entered Indonesia in early March 2020, the virus then spread across the country, a pandemic was inevitable. The Government then implemented the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) to suppress the Covid-19 cases. This situation makes people must lessen physical contact and avoid being too close to one another. While the government already announced the PPKM, some people are still being ignorant. This concerned one of the famous directors, Hanung bramantyo, then he made a short film entitled “Positive” on YouTube to increase that awareness. The method used in this research is qualitative content analysis with an ethnographic content analysis approach. The approach will work in this research with narrative categories and descriptions but focuses on situations, settings, styles, images, meanings, and nuances that are considered recognizable by the human actors/speakers involved in the short film. The result of this research is that based on the situation, setting, style, nuances, and meaning “Positif” film depiction represents the task of health workers in handling Covid-19 cases and the efforts of the Indonesian government in providing health facilities for the community. The last thing is the imagery provided by the frames of the film.