Food and Beverage merupakan department dihotel yang bertugas menyediakan dan mengolah makanan dan minuman untuk para tamu hotel. Dalam food and Beverage service diantaranya seperti service, main kitchen, cold kitchen, hot kitchen dan pastry. Diantaranya bertugas memberikan pelayanan yang baik kepada tamu untuk mendapatkan kualitas pelayanan di department food and beverage. Kualitas produk untuk mencapai kepuasan tamu dalam produk yang di hasilkan. Dalam meningkatkan kualitas produksetiap hotel memiliki beberapa cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas bahan baku yang akan digunkan untuk mengolah produk. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana upaya food and beverage dalam meningkatkankualitas bahan baku di hotel. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, interview dan dokumentasi kemuadian dianalisis dengan memberikan kesimpulan dan saran menurut penulis. Hasil penelitian yang didapat untuk mengetahui upaya Food and Beverage Department untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk di hotel.
Kata Kunci : Food and Beverage, Bahan Baku, Kualitas produk
Food and beverage is a department in the hotel which isin charge of providing and processing food and beverage there are several sections such as service, main kitchen, cold kitchen, hot kitchen and pastry. some of them are tasked with providing good service to guests to get quality service in the food and 11beverage department. product quality to achieve guest satisfaction in the products produced. in improving product quality, every hotel has several waysto improve the quality of raw materials that will be used to process products. the purpose of this study is to fins out how the effprts of food and beverage in increasing the quality of raw materials in hotels. This research method uses a qualitative approach and uses data collection techniques in the from of observation, interviews and documentation and suggestions according to the author. the results of the study were to determine the efforst of the food and beverage department to improve product quality in hotels
Keywords: Food and Beverage, Raw Materials, Product quality