Bober Cafe is one of the few cafes which manage to survive for a long time in Bandung City. Bober Cafe always tries to provide quality products and the best services for its customers. In the past several years, the number of cafes in Bandung spikes sharply, which is 11,4% annually. This influences some of the costumers of Bober Cafe. In 2012 there were fluctuations of number of customers which lowered, average reduction every month was 0,94%. This phenomenon forces the management to rethink ways to maintain old customers and look for new customers in the intensifying competition. This study aims to discover methods to improve products’ quality and service quality in Bober Cafe and their influence on purchasing decision process.
According to Tjiptono (2008:68) quality of a product is measured from performance, feature, conformance, aesthetics, reliability, perceived quality, durability and serviceability dimensions. According to Kotler in Alma (2008:284) service quality can be measured by reliability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty, and tangibles indicators. Service quality and quality of products are driving factors of purchasing decision process. According to Kotler Amstrong (2008:179) purchasing decision process consists of needs recognition, information searching, evaluation of alternatives, purchasing decision and post-purchasing behaviors.
The type of this study was causal descriptive with quantitative method. This study used validity and reliability tests, descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, multiple linear test, determination analysis, multiple correlation test, t-test, and F test.
The study results show that quality of products has a good score of 78.47%, service quality has a good score of 75.93%, purchasing decision process also has a good score of 75,77%. Quality of products and service quality simultaneously have a 27% influence on purchasing decision, while 73% is influenced by other factors not in this study.
Keywords : Quality of Products, Service Quality, Purchasing Decision Process