Women are social beings who must be able to adapt in any situation. They also think about the style and fashion of their bag when used all day for all activities to complement their clothing, especially during activities. Therefore, the Exsport brand has recently rebranded to become a bag brand that supports the daily activities and every journey of Indonesian women. However, there are still many Indonesian people, especially women who do not know that the Exsport brand has undergone a rebranding. Based on the results of the questionnaire, most of the respondents stated that they did not know about the Exsport brand which they have now rebranded but still thought that the Exsport brand would remain the same as before, namely unisex bags and school children, and that the insights gained on social media were still lacking when compared to competitors. other. This is also related to brand awareness of brand image, as well as the promotional strategy to be conveyed that has not been conveyed properly to the target audience. Solving these problems will be carried out by carrying out a promotional strategy that is in accordance with the target market that will be targeted by the Export brand. Therefore, a promotional strategy was formed to increase brand awareness of the Export brand image with the tagline "Express Your Girl Power!" which is aimed at the segmentation of Indonesian women aged 18–22 years, Generation Z, and domiciled in the city of Jakarta.