In a company, leader regarded as a person who has a certain power to move others to do business in order to achieve the company's goals. To carry out the functions and objectives of the goal, the company must apply a leadership style that is consistent and should seek to influence, motivate, and make others able to contribute for the sake of effectiveness and successes of the organization .
PT . Dirgantara Indonesia ( PT.DI ) is a large manufacturing company that produces the aircraft with so many consumers and production target. PT . Dirgantara Indonesia require employees who are competent and able to establish good cooperative relationship with the leader or co-workers, and also must be highly motivated to be more active and disciplined in work, so the company need professional leadership roles with the appropriate leadership style in motivating employees. But in fact , there are still problems on employee motivation because of the employees who always comes late when entering the workplace.
The method used in this research is a quantitative method with the research type of descriptive studies and causal studies . The population in this study were officer employees of the Aerostructure directorate of PT . Dirgantara Indonesia with a total sample of 75 respondents . Analysis techniques using simple linear regression analysis .
Based on the results of hypothesis testing , it can be seen that the democratic leadership style influence on employee motivation of Aerostructure directorate PT . Dirgantara Indonesia. It is known that the influence of the democratic leadership style is based on the calculation of the coefficient of determination is 54,7 % , while the remaining 45,3 % are influenced by variables or factors outside the research variables.
The results of the overall research concluded that the implementation of democratic leadership style on the Aerostructure directorate of PT . Dirgantara Indonesia classified in “good” category . In terms of employee motivation is also classified as “good” category which means a democratic leadership style suitable to be applied to support employee motivation on the Aerostructure directorate of PT . Dirgantara Indonesia.
Keywords : Democratic Leadership Style, Employee Motivation