ABSTRAKSI: Sistem Informasi memiliki peranan penting dalam proses bisnis civitas akademik di IT Telkom. Sistem informasi I-Gracias merupakan sistem informasi yang sangat berpengaruh dalam proses bisnis akademik di IT Telkom. Untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan proses bisnis akademik yang menggunakan I-Gracias, maka perlu dilakukan pengukuran kinerja I-Gracias untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh I-Gracias dalam memenuhi kebutuhan para stakeholder. Atas dasar itulah digunakan metode Performance Prism yang merupakam suatu metode pengukuran kinerja yang mementingkan kebutuhan para stakeholder. Kebutuhan dan keinginan stakeholder menjadi sangat diperhatikan dalam Performance Prism. Prinsip tersebut sesuai dengan keadaan I-Gracias yang sangat berpengaruh besar bagi para stakeholder dalam proses bisnis akademik.
Performance Prism memiliki 5 faset yang dijadikan dasar untuk mengukur kinerja yaitu satisfaction , strategy , process, capabilities dan contribution. Lima faset tersebut kemudian akan dikelompokan menjadi Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dan Performance Indicator (PI) yang menjadi indikator ukuran sukses kinerja. Selain itu dilakukan pembobotan kepentingan stakeholder, 5 faset Performance Prism dan KPI setiap stakeholder dengan menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) yang nantinya di masa depan berguna untuk acuan perbaikan kinerja. Tahap akhir mengukur kinerja I-Gracias yaitu dengan melakukan penilaian scoring menggunakan Object Matrix (OMAX) yang akan menghasilkan score ukuran kinerja sesuai dengan level dan warna pada Traffic Light System.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan pengukuran kinerja dihasilkan 12 KPI dan 72 PI I-Gracias. KPI dan PI tersebut disusun berdasarkan kerangka Performance Prism dan mengacu kepada standar kualitas perangkat lunak ISO 9126. Sedangkan nilai kinerja total I-Gracias memiliki score 7 yaitu masuk dalam kategori sedang dan disarankankan untuk diwaspadai serta ditingkatkan kinerjanya.
Kata Kunci : Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), ISO 9126, Key Performance Indicator (KPI), Objective Matrix (OMAX), Performance Indicator (PI), Performance Prism., Traffic Light SystemABSTRACT: Information system has important role in the civity academic business process in IT Telkom.. I-Gracias information system is an information system that is highly influential in academic business processes in IT Telkom. To be able to fulfill need of academic business process using I-Gracias, it is necessary to measure the performance of the I-Gracias to find out how far I-Gracias to fulfill the need of stakeholders therefore used the method performance prism which is a performance measurement method that emphasizes the need of the stakeholders. Need and desire of stakeholder becomes hardly paid attention in Performance Prism. The principle according to the state of the I-Gracias that very big impact for stakeholders in the academic business process.
Performance Prism has five facets that form the basis for measuring the performance of that satisfaction, strategy, process, capabilities and contribution. Five facets will then be grouped into Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and Performance Indicators (PI) becoming indicators of success measure of performance. Moreover weighted stakeholder interests, 5 facets of performance prism and KPI of each stakeholder using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) which will be useful for future reference performance improvement. The final stage of the I-Gracias measure performance is by using a scoring assessing Object Matrix (OMAX) which will produce a score of performance measures in accordance with the level and color of the Traffic Light System.
Based on the analysis and performance, the result is 12 KPI and 72 PI of I-Gracias. KPI and PI were formulated based on Performance Prism framework and refers to software quality standards of ISO 9126. While the value of the total performance of the I-Gracias has score 7 is in the category of being and advised to watch out for as well as improved performance.
Keyword: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), ISO 9126, Key Performance Indicator (KPI), Objective Matrix (OMAX), Performance Indicator (PI), Performance Prism., Traffic Light System.