ABSTRAKSI: Saat ini, NUMA sudah menerapkan cache coherence protocol, salah satunya MOESI CMP Token.Hanya saja, muncul masalah lain berupa cache miss rate yang makin besar dengan jumlah prosessor yang makin meningkat. Oleh karena itu, dalam tugas akhir ini,dilakukan pengukuran performansi ketika jumlah prosessor semakin bertambah menggunakan simulator gem5 yang dipadukan dengan TOPAZ dan dua macam benchmark. Adapun parameter lain yang diukur berupa execution time, thorughput, latency, dan average memory access time. Hasil yang didapatkan dari simulasi ini adalah penambahan prosessor mampu mengurangi waktu eksekusi seluruh proses sekaligus mendorong maksimal throughput yang berlaku bagi kedua benchmark. Adapun memori lokal akan lebih maksimal waktu pengaksesannya dibandingkan memori di node lain. Persentase penerimaan paket atau datamencapai 39-40% pada 4-CPU dan 31-32% pada 8-CPU.Sebagai pengecualian pada penambahan 16-CPU ditemukan persentase maksimal penerimaan paket sebesar 26%.KATA KUNCI: NUMA, gem5, TOPAZ, latency, cache coherence, cache missrateABSTRACT: Currently, NUMA cache coherence protocols already implemented, one of which MOESI CMP Token. However, another problem arises in the form of a cache miss rate is greater with increasing number of processors. Therefore, in this thesis, measured as the number of processor performance using a simulator gem5 increasingly combined with TOPAZ and two kinds of benchmarks. The other parameters are measured in the form of execution time, thorughput, latency, and average memory access time. Results obtained from these simulations is the addition of processor capable of reducing the execution time of the whole process while encouraging maximum throughput benchmarks apply to both. The local memory will be more than the maximum time accessing memory on another node. Percentage acceptance or data packets reach 39-40% in the 4-CPU and 31-32% on an 8-CPU. As an exception to the addition of 16-CPU found the maximum percentage of 26% packet reception.KEYWORD: NUMA, gem5, TOPAZ, latency, cache coherence, cache missrate