ABSTRAKSI: Game platformer merupakan salah satu jenis game dimana pemain harus melaui platform dan menghindari rintangan untuk menyelesaikan tantangan yang diberikan. Game platformer memiliki karasteristik yang serupa: platforms, obstacles, movement aids, collectible items, dan triggers. Dari kesamaan karakteristik tersebut, untuk mempermudah dalam pengembangan game platformer, digunakan game engine yang memanfaatkan data-driven programming. Data-driven programming memisahkan antara logic dan code pada game, sehingga perubahan game dapat mudah dilakukan hanya dengan mengubah data. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalam mencari desain data-driven programming yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan 2- Dimensi (2D) platformer untuk diimplementasikan pada game engine. Game engine selanjutnya diuji dan dianalisis untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh data-driven programming dalam proses pengembangan game platformer.KATA KUNCI: Data-driven programming, game engine, game platformer.ABSTRACT: Platformer game is one of game’s genre that make player have to pass platforms and have to avoid obstacles to finish the game. There are similar characteristic in most platformer games such as platforms, obstacles, movement aids, collectible items, and triggers. By that same game characteristic, game engine that implement data-driven programming can be used to simplify game development process. Data-driven programming separates data and logic that has been used by the game which every change of its data will affect the game runtime. In this research, the objective is to find the suitable design on data-driven programming that can satisfy 2-Dimension (2D) game platformer’s requirement then implement it as game engine. Furthermore, the game engine is also tested and analyzed to know how far it could assist in game development.KEYWORD: Data-driven programming, game engine, platformer game.