Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) is a model used to explain user behavior towards information technology acceptance. UTAUT has four constructs that can be a significant direct determinant of behavioral intention and behavioral use, namely performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions. This study aims to analyze user acceptance of the System Application and Product used at PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia System Application and product in data processing (SAP) which is one of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software. The purpose of this study is to explain the relationship of factors that affect the acceptance and use of SAP using the UTAUT model. This research is an explanatory research with data analysis techniques using PLS (Partial Least Square). The data obtained came from respondents who were employees of the purchasing division at PT TMMIN, data obtained by distributing closed questionnaires online. The sample size in this study was 28 respondents and analyzed using SPSS and Smart PLS applications. The results of the analysis obtained are as follows: (1) Performance Expectancy (PE) variables have a positive influence but do not have a significant effect on Behavioral Intention (BI); (2) The Effort Expectancy (EE) variable has a positive and significant influence on Behavioral Intention (BI); (3) Social Influence (SI) variables have a positive and significant influence on Behavioral Intention (BI); (4) Variable Facilitating Conditions (FC) has a positive and significant influence on Use Behavior; (5) Social Influence (SI) variables have a positive but not significant influence on Behavioral Intention (BI).
Keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning, Partial Least Square, System Application and product in data processing , Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology.