The large number of tourism potentials in Indonesia is a separate competition for hotel business player. To compete in the hospitality business world, business actors are required to not only pay attention to the company’s external factors, but also internal factors.
The purpose of this research is to know how the process of Hotel Padma Bandung maintain their human resource quality to employee performance, and how the educational background and training at Hotel Padma Bandung affect the employee performance.
Analysis data techniques used in this research is quantitative causal with double linier regression method. The population and sample are all employees including all internship employees, and retired employees of Hotel Padma Bandung, which amounts to 120 employees. Independent variable are Education (X1) with the indicators Formal education, Non-Formal education and Informal education. Training (X2) with indicators Instructor / Coach, Training Participants, Training Method, Training Materials, and Training Goals. Dependent variable is Employee Performance (Y) with indicators Quality, Quantity, Punctuality, Effectiveness, and Independence. Data collection is done with the dispersion of questionnaire to employees of Hotel Padma Bandung.
The regression equation Y = 29.912 + 0.138X1 + 0.830X2 showed that the R square value is 0.508. It were able to explain changes in employee performance by 50.8% and the remaining 49.2% was explained by variables other than the three variables in this study. This study shows the level of education (X1) partially has no significant effect on employee performance, while job training (X2) partially has a significant effect on employee performance. Also, the level of education (X1) and job training (X2) simultaneously have a significant effect on employee performance.
According to the effort of improving the human resource quality of the hospitality indusrty, in future research it is recommended to test other variables that are strongly suspected of influencing employee performance in Padma Hotel Bandung. After that, Padma Hotel Bandung could be more considerating what factors that most influencing the employee performance.
Keywords: Education, Training, Employee Performance