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eProceedings of International Conference on Creative Industries - 2015
410 kali
eProceedings of International Conference on Creative Industries - 2015
DESIGN: The Most Creative Human Power
Prof. Yukari Nagai, Ph.D
Creativity in the Smart City
Prof Dr. Mettina Veenstra
Influence Dutch Colonial to Nobility Bugis House in Soppeng South Sulawesi Indonesia
Andi Abidah
Cultural Heritage Mediators : A Creative Approach in Historical Cities of Southern Brazil
Douglas Emerson Deicke Heidtmann Junior, Ana Claudia Chiarello
The Kitchen Stage Activities: Reflecting Collaboration and Mobilization of Cultural Resources
Prananda Luffiansyah Malasan
Typology of Traditional Mosque in Palembang, Case Study : Old Mosques In The City of Palembang, South Sumatra
Rangga Firmansyah and Irwan Sudarisman
Bandung City Districts as Cultural Landscape: Questions of Relevance
Ratri Wulandari
Structural Analysis of Primordial Cultural Pattern (Pattern of Three) at Sambara and Nasi Bancakan Sundanese Restaurant in Bandung
Santi Salayanti,Fajarsani Retno Palupi and Imtihan Hanom
The Contribution of Parks? Facilities to Social Interactions in the Clusters at Kota Baru Parahyangan
Setiamurti Rahardjo and Andreas Handoyo
People Activity and Layout Analysis in Main Lobby of Movie Theater, Case Study: Cinema XXI Ciwalk
Titihan Sarihati and Rizka Rachmawati
Trans Studio Bandung Grand Mosque as a District Landmark
Tri Wahyu Handayani
Puppetry Performing Art Role in Mental Development of the Indonesian in the Era of Globalization
Didit Endriawan and Donny Trihanondo
Herbochi, Research Emotional of the Glass.
Desie Suci Permata Sari, Oky Cahyanto, Mutia Puspita Sari and Alvianty Novitasari
Indonesian Community Understanding on Sustainable Design Concept Critical Analysis Regarding Sustainable Design Development in Indonesia
Terbit Setya, Dandi Yunidar and Asep Sufyan
On Users Experience and Knowledge: Understanding Female Consumers Intimate Apparel Product Preference
Faradillah Nursari
The Rise of Sole-Proprietor Makers in Indonesia Urban Cities
Aulia Ardista Wiradarmo
Characteristic of Batik Tulis Gedhog of Kerek Subdistrict, TubanRegency, East Java, As the Community?s Batik
Fajar Ciptandi, Agus Sachari and Achmad Haldani
The Role of Fashion Industry in Bandung Creative Industry Subsector
Rika Nugraha
Exploration of MelimarTechnique on South Sumatran Woven Fabric
Ririn Gusriya, Citra Puspitasari and Morinta Rosandini
Processing Plastic for Fashion Accessories with Hot Textile Technique
Widia Nur Utami Bastaman and Eka Arifianty Puspita
Communication Strategy of Batik Cimahi Brand.
Arry Mustikawan and Larry Julianto
Applying Strategic Design to Build Brand Value and Corporate Innovation.
Bijaksana Prabawa and Wirania Swasty
Ideology Content and Expression of Kujang Symbol in Jasad Band CD Cover Design
Novian Denny Nugraha, Lingga Agung, and Riky Azhari Siswanto
Urban Eatery on Wheel; Food Truck
Gredi Gradana Sembada and Farah Oktafani
Local Wisdom in Economic and Social System of Bugis-WajoWeaver Community
Muhammad Syukur
Free Pitching Effects on The Designers' Marketing Decision
Mulyawati Moeliono
Analysis Structure and Appearance Forms of Advertising As Cause Viewers refused Pop Up Ads, Case Study Semen Merah Putih Ads On Detik.com
Ilham Syah
Immortality Myth in Permanent Marker Bic Advertising
Mohamad Tohir, Anggar Erdhina and Atria Fadilla
Body and Lifestyle as an Advertising Strategy
Mohamad Tohir and Didit Widiatmoko Suwardikun
The Shifting of Cowboy Nuance in Billboard of Marlboro Advertisement of Be>Marlboro Edition
Syarip Graphic, Sri Nurbani and Riky Siswanto
Craft Culture & Tourism: Scopes of improvement and promotion
Umme Hani and Utpal Barua
Transmutative Visual Culture of Folk Festivals : A study and exploration of 'Magh Bihu'
Anusmita Das and Utpal Barua
Bima Satria Garuda, A New Face of Indonesian Superhero Character.
Dimas Krisna Aditya
Visual Islamic Mysticsm(Sufism) on Semar Wayang Golek Giri Harja 3
Lingga Agung, Iman Sumargono and Novian Denny Nugraha
The Influence of Popular Culture on Astrajingga Costume Creativity
Teddy Hendiawan and Aris Rahmansyah
Character Transformation Of Cepot
Zaini Ramdhan and Yayat Sudaryat
Virtual Reality Technology in Indonesian Tourism.
Andreas Rio and Ananda Risya
The Paradoxical and Cultural Value Relativity Representation of The Figures of Indie Film „Tanda Tanya (?)
Riksa Belasunda
Faming Adaptation on Rectoverso Movie (Untold Love).
Teddy Hendiawan and Yelly Andriani Barlian
Photography Ethics of Amateur Photographers
Siti Desintha, Yelly Andriani Barlian and Ira Wirasari
Indonesian Cultural Identity on Android Games
Dicky Hidayat
3D Based Game Design Entitled the Adventure of Chandramawa
I Made Marthana Yusa and I Putu Yuda Wirawan
Design of Educational Game About Tourism of Bandung for Elementary Students
Rizki Yantami Arumsari and Maria Apsari Sugiat
04 October 2015
05 October 2017