eProceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization) 2016

06 June 2017 Oleh yudhinugrohoadi Dilihat 652 kali


  1. Collective Creativity Within The Animation Industry in Malaysia: Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
    Vivienne Foo Rui Hua, Peter C. Woods
  2. Identification of Entrepreneurship Barriers among University Students in Indonesia: Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
    Grisna Anggadwita, Tri Djatmiko, HA. Romadlon, Ahmad Yusuf Wibisono, dan  Fahrizal Eka Rahmadani
  3. Factors Affecting The Intentions of Students to be Enterpreneurs Base on Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) (Study at Telcom University 2012 and 2013): Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
    Mediany Kriseka Putri, Muhammad Dani Oktarian Nasution
  4. Participative Budgeting, Organizational Commitment, And Performance (Surveys of The Local Government Unit Agencies of West Java Province): Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
    Andry Arifian Rachman
  5. Analysis of the Influence of the World's Oil Prices, Inflation, Interest Rate, and Rupiah / US Dollar Exchange Rate on the Return of Mining Sector's Shares Registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010 - 2015: Proceeding of ISCLO, October 26th 2016
    Waseso Segoro, Andri Kartika
  6. The Impact of Capital Expenditures, Operational Expenditures, Financial Expenditures, Market to Book Value Ratio, Sales Growth...: Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
    Heru Muara Sidik
  7. Effect of Earnings Management, Liquidity Ration, Leverage Ratio, Activity Ratio, Profitability Ration, and Firm Size to Stocks Return: Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
    Intan Noerwida Oktavia, Norita
  8. The Effect Inflation, Interest Rate, Exchange Rate, Return on Assets (ROA), and Debt Ratio (DER) on Stock Return: Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
    Nindina Jatiningtyas, Aldilla Iradianty
  9. Tax Aggressiveness, Profitability, and Social Responsibility Disclosure: Evidence from Indonesia: Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
  10. The Role of Communication Effectiveness, Service Quality, Relationship Quality on Developing Customer Loyalty in Enterprise Service Division PT. Telkom Indonesia Tbk.: Proceeding of ISCLO, October 26th 2016
    Ikka Novitasari
  11. The Influence of Customer Experience towards Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty on Plaza Telkom: Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
    Maya Ariyanti, Dyah Shinta Tri Wulandari
  12. Factors Influencing E-Money Adoption: Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
    Bambang Supriyanto, Gadang Ramantoko
  13. Factors Affecting Consumers’ Decision Toward Kios Tiket Mandiri Adoption in Purchasing Train Tickets in Indonesia: Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
    Indrawati, Slamet Riyadi
  14. The Influence of GRONROOS’S Service Quality Model on Triple Play’s Customer Satisfaction: Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
    Muhammad Kafin Latif, Maya Ariyanti
  15. Analysis of Customers Requirements of XYZ Resto POS System of PT. XYZ Using Quality Function Deployment: Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
    Nurul Fithri Sylvani
  16. E-Marketing Application Design For Improving SME’s Competitiveness In Lombok Island - Indonesia: Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
    Renny Nur‘ainy1, Dyah Meita Setyawati, Bagus Nurcahyo, Ety Sutanty
  17. Strategy Formulation of Patrakom’s Business Portfolio Post-Acquisition by Telkom: Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
    Terri Astradika, Yudi Pramudiana
  18. Double-Layered Scheme of Protection to Meet Environmental and Business Challenge: A Case Study in MM2100 Industrial Estate (IE): Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
    Manuel Luis F. Lirio
  19. The Exploration of Influential Factors toward Competitive Advantage on Digital Application Startup: Case Study on Indigo Incubator Program of Telkom: Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
    Prasetiawan, Dodie Tricahyono
  20. Analysis Factor of Motivation that Influence Drivers Who Using UBER Application in UBER, Bandung : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Rafi Achas Muhammad, Fetty Poerwita Sary
  21. The Influence of Leadership Style to Employees Satisfaction (Case Study of PT. X) : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Varadhita Lucky Aprilla, Anthon Rustono
  22. Is There a Possibility of Learning Organization to Improve the Professional Educator Performance? (Learning Organization in Higher Education) : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Ifada Rahmayanti
  23. Knowledge Management Readiness Assessment: Study Case of Human Capital Directorate – PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk : : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Dia‘lah Hokosuja Hutabalian
  24. A Model of Work Related Self-Directed Learning (WRSDL) as the Basis for Organizational Learning : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Ida Juliana Hutasuhut, Sopian Bujang, Shahren Ahmad Zaidi Adruce, and Hasbee Hj Usop
  25. Organizational Culture Design for Learning: The Experience of Universitas Terbuka : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Agus Joko Purwanto
  26. Learning Culture Assessment and Its Influence on Knowledge Creation Process (A Case Study of PT Pindad (Persero)) : : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Karina Larasati, Yudo Anggoro
  27. Comparison of Job Characteristics Among Generational Cohorts: A Case Study in the Office of Telkom Regional II Jakarta : : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Gandung Pratidhina, Ade Irma Susanty
  28. Factors Affecting the Acceptance of Knowledge Management System in Malaysian Higher Education Institutions : : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Zakariya Belkhamza
  29. The Influence of the Factors of Organizational Culture on Implementation of Knowledge Sharing at West Java Distribution Office of... : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Tamia Sammar Oktaviani, Jafar Sembiring
  30. The Influence of Employee Engagement Factors Towards Employee Performance in Distribution Office PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero)... : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Selma Nurliesya Ramadhiane, Jafar Sembiring
  31. Learning Organization and the Impact on Competence in Organizations : (Case Study on Technician at PT. Telkom Akses Solo) : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Leny Suzan, Marjulin
  32. The Effect of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance in PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Persero (Tbk) Witel Sumsel : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Ella Jauvani Sagala, Hani Gita Ayuningtias, and Magnalia Felly Annisa
  33. The Effect of Total Quality Management Factors on Employee Satisfaction in Telkom University : (Case Study on Technician at PT. Telkom Akses Solo) : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Palti M.T. Sitorus, Wiji Safitri, Dodie Tricahyono
  34. The influence of Non-physical working environment to performance of Business Account Manager of Telkom Regional 1 Sumatera : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Ledy Caroline
  35. Customer Preference in using Internet Banking : (Case Study on Technician at PT. Telkom Akses Solo) : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Refi Rifaldi Windya Giri, Rizkyana Fauziah
  36. The Relation of Motivation, Engagement, and Job Performance of Nurses at Advent Hospital : (Case Study on Technician at PT. Telkom Akses Solo) : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Puspita Wulansari, Rolyana Ferinia, Arif Partono Prasetio
  37. The Influence of Knowledge Management on Employees Performance : (Case Study on Technician at PT. Telkom Akses Solo) : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Dwiyan Ikhsan, Fetty Poerwita Sary
  38. Cataalyst Method to Motivate Students Communication Interactivity in Critical Thinking : Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization), October 26th 2016
    Lucy Pujasari Supratman


The Determinants of Financial Literacy And Financial Inclusion Towards Disparity In Indonesia
Measurement of Internal Model of Value At Risk In Indonesian Bank Industry Under Basel III
Factors Affecting Customer Revisit Intention in Dapoer Pandan Wangi Sunda Resto
The Effects of E-Service Quality on Customer Online Repurchase Intention Towards E-commerce Marketplace C2C in Indonesia
Content Analysis of Food Instagram Account
Consumer Attitude towards Gray Market in Indonesia
Student Energy Awareness: Web-based and Paper-based Survey Results
Analysis of Fraudulent Financial Statement in Fraud Triangle Perspective (Study at Listed Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in Period 2010-2014)
Synergy Calculation of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara’s Acquisition Plan toward PT Pertamina Gas
Capital Structure Strategy to Enhance Value of PT. Astra International
Customer Intention to Return Online: Price, Perception, Performance, and Satisfaction
Formulating Business Strategy and Innovative Business Model of Mobile Broadband Services Through Tows Matrix And Cross-Industry Innovation
The Influence Of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Financing (NPF), And Profit Sharing Ratio To Profit Sharing Financing Sharia Bank (Case Study: Sharia Bank in Indonesia 2010-2014)
Analysis of The Factors that Affecting Islamic Bank Profitability (Empirical Study on Islamic Bank in Indonesia Period 2012-2014)
The Impact of Website Quality on Information Quality, Value and Loyalty Intentions on E-commerce Website
A Tentative Framework On The Relationships Between Gratification and Continuance Intention to Use YouTube for Movie Watching Experience
Analysis Of Customer Acceptance Of Online Travel Agent Technology Using UTAUT2 Model  (A Case Study On E-Commerce Traveloka In Indonesia)
The Effect Of Channel Attributes And Information Importance On Telemarketing Program Effectivity (A Study On Indihome In Bandung, Indonesia)
Measurement of Information Security Awareness Among Social Media Twitter Users in Indonesia
The Influence of E-Mail Marketing on Purchasing Decision (Case Study on Traveloka.com)
Retail Therapy : The impact of Therapeutic motivation, Therapeutic Value and Retail Environment on Customer’s Purchase Intention
Tin Commodity Exchange: Granger Causality Test
Electronic Word-of-Mouth (EWOM) Adoption Model for Information Security Awareness: A Case Study in University Students
 The Impact of  Brand Equity on Brand Preference and Purchase Intention of IndiHome Product
The Influence of Customer Relationship Management, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty towards Cross-Buying Astinet’s Customer
Factors Affecting Online Customer-to-Customer Purchase Intention: A Study of Indonesian Customers
The Influence of Interest Income, Non-Interest Income, and Income Diversification On Risk-Adjusted Return On Asset Of State-Owned Commercial Banks In Indonesia Listed In The Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2003-2014
The  Affecting Factors Of Earnings Management In Mining Companies Listed On Indonesia Stock Exchange
Positioning Analysis of Instant Messaging Application Based On User Perception In Indonesia (Studies on BBM, Facebook Messenger, Hangouts, LINE, and WA)
Measuring Marketing Communications Mix Effort Using Magnitude of Influence And Influence Rank Metric
Proposed Competency-Based Job Evaluation System at Telkom Foundation
Prediction Models Based on Flight Tickets and Hotel Rooms Data Sales for Recommendation System in Online Travel Agent Business
The Small World Phenomenon and Network Analysis of ICT Startup Investment in Indonesia and Singapore
Positioning Analysis of Bali, Bandung, And Yogyakarta As Tourist Destinations Using Sustainable Tourism Triangle
Internet Based ICT by Indonesian SMEs (Case Study : Batik Trusmi)
Factors Affecting On Unified Theory Of Acceptance And Use Of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) Toward Intention And Use Behavior Of Indonesian Wifi @Wifi.Id Internet Services  (A Study at Telkom University Bandung 2016)
Comparative Analysis of Liqudity and Abnormal Return Before and After Stock Split (Case Study on the Company Taking Stock Split Period 2013-2014)
Identification of The Implementation Four Dimensions Of Innovation By Joe Tidd  In PT. Go-Jek Indonesia
Relevance Of Graduates’ Competencies Toward The Effectiveness Of Entrepreneurship Education Within A University Context: Case Study Of SBM ITB - Indonesia
Analysis of Stakeholders In Case Of Fire In The Province Prone Forest In Sumatra And Kalimantan, Indonesia
Quality Audit: Time Budget Pressure, Dysfunctional Auditor Behaviour And The Understanding Of Information Technology As Moderator

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