29 March 2023 Oleh irmasari Dilihat 2092 kali
Dalam rangka melaksanakan ketentuan Pasal 46 Ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2012 tentang Pendidikan Tinggi, bahwa hasil penelitian wajib disebarluaskan dengan cara diseminarkan, dipublikasikan, dan atau dipatenkan oleh Perguruan Tinggi, kecuali hasil penelitian yang bersifat rahasia, mengganggu, dan atau membahayakan kepentingan umum.
Menindaklanjuti hal tersebut, Universitas Telkom memberikan pedoman penyelenggaraan tugas akhir dan publikasi melalui Surat Keputusan Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik Nomor : KWR1.175/AKD26/AKD-PUS/2022 tentang Aturan Umum Tugas Akhir Sebagai Penelitian dan Publikasi di Lingkungan Universitas Telkom, yang meliputi:
1. Ketentuan: Memenuhi kaidah dan metode ilmiah secara sistematis.
2. Topik: Topik tugas akhir dapat merupakan bagian atau integrasi dari penelitian dosen pembimbing dan didata pada sistem informasi akademik universitas.
3. Alternatif Pengganti Tugas Akhir: Tugas akhir dan karya akhir serta rangkaian mata kuliah yangberkaitan dapat dilaksanakan dalam atau digantikan dengan bentuk kegiatan pembelajaran Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (BKPMBKM) WRAP Researchship atau WRAP Entrepreneurship.
4. Publikasi: Tugas akhir dan artikel (jurnal) wajib diunggah pada repositori institusi dan akan dipublikasikan melalui repositori Telkom University dan Open Library Publications.
5. Topik SDGs: Pada pengunggahan dokumen tugas akhir mahasiswa ke repositori Telkom University, mahasiswa dan dosen pembimbing dapat memilih topik Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) yang sesuai
6. Publikasi Pengganti Sidang Tugas Akhir: Publikasi ilmiah eksternal pada level nasional dan internasional atau minimal dalam jurnal atau prosiding terindeks Sinta 4 (S4) yang dibuktikan dengan Letter of Acceptance (LoA) dan atau memiliki HKI atas hasil tugas akhir/ karya akhir.
7. Terbebas dari Plagiarisme: Karya dan publikasi ilmiah harus terbebas dari unsur plagiat.
In compliance with the provisions of article 46 paragraph (2) of Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, which stipulated that research results must be disseminated by means of seminars, publications, and/or patents by Higher Education Institutions, except for results that are confidential, disturbing, and/or harmful to public interests.
In line with this, Telkom University has issued guidelines for the implementation of final projects and publications through the Decree of Vice Dean for Academic Affairs Number: KWR1.175/AKD26/AKD-PUS/2022 concerning General Guidelines for Final Projects as Research and Publications within Telkom University, which include the following
1. Provision: Scientific principles and methods must be fulfilled systematically
2. Topic: The topic of the final projects can be integrated with the supervisor’s research and recorded in the university’s academic information system
3. Alternative for substituting Final Project: Final Works and Final Projects as well as a series of related courses, can be carried out in or replaced with the form of Learning Activity in the Form of Emancipated Learning Emancipated Campus (BKPMBKM) WRAP Researchship or WRAP Entrepreneurship.
4. Publication: Final Projects and articles (journals) must be uploaded to the institutional repository and will be published through Telkom University repository and Open Library Publications.
5. SDGs Topics: When uploading student’s final projects documents to the Telkom University repository, students and supervisors can choose the appropriate topic of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
6. Substitute Publication for Final Project Defense: External scientific publications in national and international levels or at least in Sinta 4 (S4) indexed journals or proceedings proven by a Letter of Acceptance (LoA) and/or having an IPR of the final task/final project results.
7. Plagiarism-free: Scientific works and publications must be plagiarism-free.